Bas Relief from photo

This is a test to see how well I can extrapolate 3d information from a single photo.  This first pass is with a straight diffuse, taken into ndo2 and extrapolating the normal and displacement information.  Then, it was put into zbrush and the displacement was applied to a 1+M poly plane.  That was saved out and xNormal was used to extract a more accurate normal out of the high poly mesh so that it could be used on a low resolution 2 poly mesh, similar to an in-game asset.  xNormal was also used to generate an additional AO map from the high poly mesh.  The results were then set up in Marmoset.  The low poly plane was added, and the diffuse (albedo), normal, AO and displacement maps were set up in a simple material & adjusted.

This is the diffuse, normal & displacement map pulled from the original image, plus the output from xnormal.

This is the render from Marmoset Toolbag 2.

Next test will involve more work at shadow removal before pulling the displacement map.  Also, ndo2 has quite a few variation presets.  I’ll check those out to see if any of them yield a better result.


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